December 19, 2015

A Poem for the Guy I Like


Hey! Merry Christmas!
 We never really know each other. I don’t know your name, you don’t even know mine. Yet, most of the time I think about you.
The first time I saw you, I was mesmerize. Suddenly hoping that you would sit beside my chair. Its crazy coz I kept on recalling the structure of your face until I memorized it. Your brown eyes, red lips and your messy yet sexy hair.
How I wish we would know each other. How I wish we could become friends. How I wish we could be group mates at least. A wish that I doubt be granted.
So here's a poem for you.


I see you like music
The guitar you love to play
I've watched your every movement
Make me that instrument I'd pray

I learned you love the color green
I learned that I love it too
I made my room the greenest of green
and imagine of you

But just lately I've known
You've found someone better
Wishing you'll come to notice
My presence this December.

Wish you all the best,
Happy Holidays!

by: Michael Clint Ferenal and Charris Herrera

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